Tippytoes where did you stay in Dauin?
---------- Post added August 2nd, 2014 at 12:30 PM ----------
Ok I just realized Dauin = negros
I visited by myself in January and stayed in Liquid Dumaguete. Then in June we stayed in Pura Vida. Both were superb. Liquid is British run by a young couple who are very hands on , super organised and extremely friendly. The cottages were extremely reasonably priced and very lovely.You eat with the other guests and the food was fantastic and I really loved it there. However the cottages don't have air con and because June is very hot we went to Pura Vida on the last trip. This is about three or four times more expensive , but the rooms are more luxurious and are fully air con. The staff are wonderful and we also had a great time.
Even leaving aside the cost I preferred Liquid , for the atmosphere , the people and the food and dining arrangements. However Pura Vida was also absolutely top notch.
There are so many wonderful places , choosing a few is a nightmare.
Hope this helps