Advice for diving in Costa Rica

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Reaction score
Richmond, Virginia, United States
# of dives
100 - 199
Has anyone dove Costa Rica? Our dive club is trying to get feed back on trip informaton.

Here are the questions we have:

1) What time of year did you go - what was weather like?

2) Most important question, how was the diving?

3) Which ocean did you dive in? What were the conditions, visibility, type of life (big fish or reefs)

4) Who was the dive operation? How were they?

5) Where did you stay? Accomodations? Basic cost? Your opinion of facility?

6) Did you do any daytrips to rainforest or elsewhere? How were they?

7) Are there things for non-divers (spouses/families) to do?

Thank you so much for your help!

If you have a location you loved that information would be great!

Thanks in advance for your help!:D

For information on our dive club visit:

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