sealskin98:For first time there, just dive.
Get your aow later, just have fun on this trip.
Lemme see, aow choices can consist of: boat diving, drift diving, night diving, deep (103ft) diving, and maybe a navigation.
Hmm, no navigation stuff on Coz trip (do that in a lake with low vis), but you'll get experience in everything else.
Just have Fun!
Actually, the AOW course is designed to be fun. While there are a few skills required, it is nothing like doing OW or rescue training and most of the dives are for the most part "normal" dives applying concepts and practicing buoyancy, etc. The deep dive is required to be performed at a depth of greater than 60 ft, and no more than 100 ft per PADI standards.
The navigation dive requires the most thought, but is also a fun dive if the instructor makes it fun. Although the visibility is great, you can still learn and practice compass navigation skills. Believe it or not, even in good visibility you need navigation skills in certain instances.
To address Mel's question, Gordon had a good answer. However, to clarify something...there are no depth "restrictions" by what level diver you are. These restrictions if they were restrictions would not apply to an AOW student since they are in training and actually MUST do a deep dive. PADI and the other agencies have "recommended" depth limits based on training and the environment in where you are diving. A 60 foot dive in the lake is nothing like a 60 foot dive in Cozumel's environment. My point is that Cozumel conditions are optimal and the depth limits here are based more on the divers comfort level, air management and specific conditions at the site.
Some shops do have policies regarding depth limits, but again, the depth limits are recommended, not restrictions. The exception to this is during training dives. There are depth restrictions for all trianing dives depending on which dive it is and what level.
Hope this answers some questions.