Adding or changing your Avatar & Banner
Click on your member icon and click on Account details.
Click on the Choose File button under "Use a custom avatar". Note that the image should be at least 400x400 pixels, which is higher than it was before the ScubaBoard 2021 upgrade. You can drag a rectangular image in the square image window to center it for the look you want.
This increased resolution is to take advantage of 4K and Apple Retina displays.
The new image will display so you can check the appearance. You can change the image anytime by repeating this process.
Profile Banners

The banner image displays on your profile page and in the profile pop-up when a pointer hovers over an avatar:
These images illustrate how the Banner is seen by other members. The first is the mouseover popup profile and the other is the member profile page.
Choosing Your Banner Image
The first consideration in choosing your banner image understanding that it will be cropped vertically in about a 1:0.33 ratio. That image is then slightly cropped horizontally to the center when used on your popup profile — a little is truncated off both sides.The next consideration is anticipating how that images will be the background for information about you. Lets critique my current banner by looking at in-situ.
There is no law that says your banner image has to be underwater or even diving related. However, it is important to select an image that works in the cluttered environment it will be viewed in.
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