activity in July

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Houston Texas
No, not a weather question although that is a concern.....

Considering a trip to AC the last week of July. I know that time of the year is the "off" season. We are planning on staying on the Northern end of the island. Will there be ample snorkel guides to Hol Chan etc... or any good ones that I should know about operating at that time?

I just called one that I was interested in and they will be on "holiday" 8(

any other insight into the July period?


There will still be "ample" snorkel and dive guides even though some might be away. A lot depends how far up the "northern" end of the island you are - it's very long. If you're anywhere in the vicinity of Journey's End/Las Terrazzas you'll find good service at White Sands Dive Shop (operated by Elbert Greer). If you're much further up I'd have a look at the dive/snorkel operation of Tranquility Bay Resort. If you're closer to town than Elbert's place then most town-based operators will provide you with service.

Wherever you are you may find that Seaduced will collect you and return you afterwards (they do snorkelling trips, catamaran tours, etc). An equally good operator is Searious but they may not be so willing to go far out of their way.
"I love it when a plan comes together"! I'm not really a snorkeller but the diving up around TBR is excellent. Maybe you might consider learning to dive whilst you're there, or at least give it a try?
Hello Megan!

We(son & I and a friend) are booked arriving the 25th. Looking forward to some great trips!

" Maybe you might consider learning to dive whilst you're there, or at least give it a try?


That's the plan or was the plan. After all, how do you think I found this great forum! However, my son perforated his eardrum surfing this spring so scuba lessons are put on hold for the time being. So, not wanting to disappoint him I planned the snorkel trip.

The plan now is to get certified over the winter and return in the spring:)

Thanks all!

That's a bummer, and pretty unusual I should think. But, eardrums mend and there's plenty of time.
I just used white sands this week and thought they were very good and when we used them they only had 4 total divers.He can set you up with a BH company also just know that most BH boats have a lot of people on them.Also Victoria house in my opinion is the nicest place on the island.

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