Acrylic nail lift

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Has anyone else experienced lifting of their natural nails under their acrylics from diving? I took up diving and immediately (second weekend of classes in pool) my fingertips started aching. By the time I got certified I knew something was up and I went and took my acrylics off and all my nails had lifted! Ick!

I have been afraid of having my nails done again for fear that it will happen again, I dive quite often. It took a long time for the nails to grow out normal again and I want to keep them that way but I do LOVE my acrylics. Any advice?

I would be suprised if the diving had anything to do with the lifting. I've worn acrylics for years (diving every week) and while I am careful to get my fills regurally (not knowing what oceanic bacteria may find haven in a lifted nail), I have not experienced any lifting of my natural nail.

The only thing that it may be (pure speculation with no basis for fact here...) is some weird chemical in the pool that is not condusive to nails.

I also dive with several other women with acrylics, and they have had no issues.

Dive Diva's are ok to wear nails.
I also didn't know if I was somehow "levering" them by all the heavy lifting of the tanks, weights and gear bags, thereby causing the nails to lift from the nailbed. My nails were not an active length but a longer length. Also, I noticed that they REALLY hurt after cold water diving (54 degrees or so).

I would love to give it another go; maybe it was something in the pool that first weekend, that pool looked nasty! Thanks for the reply.
I've also been diving with acrylics for years. Even when I was diving weekly, I didn't have a problem with lifting. I tend to keep them at a more "active" length.

Dive trips are a different story. With 4+ dives a day, they do tend to either start lifting or chip. My sis, who does acrylic nails for a living, suggested that I take nail glue along. This has been a godsend. Especially during my 3 weeks in Indonesia where no one seemed to even know what acrylic nails were.
LittleFrog, was it your acrylics or your natural nails that lifted? My natural nails lifted from the nailbeds! The fact that your sister suggested that you take nail glue along suggests that you were having a problem with your acrylics only, was that what you meant?

I dive now about every other weekend and tend to do about 4 dives; I'd dive more but the water's cold and I'm a huge wuss since I don't own a drysuit yet:D . Do you think 2 dives over two days would cause a problem?

:11doh: Oops! Sorry....I mis-read your post. issue was the acrylics lifting. I have never heard of natural nails lifting from the nail bed without some sort of trauma to them. Perhaps this one is a medical question. I know it's out of my realm. Sorry I mis-read.

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