About diving with strangers

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Being a single diver, I've had to dive with many strangers, a lot of whom are now good friends & dive buddies. The only bad experience I've had so far was my last dives at a local quarry last month. During the winter months the quarry requires a minimum of 4 divers to open up. I got on a couple of boards & advertised. I got a couple of guys from the LDS & then was contacted by someone on this board. When she contacted me, she made a comment that should have set flags up. She basically said she was interested in going with us so she could solo dive with out drawing attention to herself to the owners. At one time I had heard the quarry was considering implementing rules about solo diving, because of some near misses by some uncertified divers try to solo dive. But I had never heard if for sure the rule was set. I told her of what I knew & she changed her tune that she would hang out with us as I was wanting to practice a few skills in my doubles. That was cool, no problem. We got to the quarry & geared up. It was decided that I would go with one of the guys & this lady would buddy with the other guy. After we got split up due to low vis, we all found our way to a familiar training platform & met up & surfaced. At that point one of the guys (the one with the other lady) started having some equipment problems & decided to head back to shore & wait on us. So it was down to 3 of us. The guy I was with then asked about a dive plan. At that point this lady says that she is going to do her solo dive & proceeds to immediately descend, leaving the guy I was diving with & myself looking at eachother, blinking:w-t-f:. We then decided to follow a road down to the deep end & to a depth of almost 100ft. We did a 1hr dive & came out about 35 min after the lady had come off her dive. We then find out at that point that she was a relatively new diver with only about 25dives (I have 140 dives & still consider myself not all that experienced). Anywho, my buddy asked her what the deal was & she said that she had intended form the beginning to dive solo & only wanted to "be in our group" to fool the owners. Well this didn't sit well with my buddy or myself. She proceeds to pack up & leave, while the 2 guys & I continue to discuss what had happened. We decided it to be prudent to alert the owner as to what had happened. We explain & I also told them what she had told me online & that it sounded like she had changed her plans when I told her that I thought there were rules about having to be solo certified. Well, needless to say, the owner wasn't too happy about that & decided to put this diver on a watch list. Basically to dive there again, she will have to have a definite buddy & would be watch to make sure she stays with them. Other than that I have been blessed to dive with many strangers that have been excellent divers & some even taught me a little here & there.
And the award for typo of the week goes to..:wink:

How did I miss that one???:rofl3:
At that point this lady says that she is going to do her solo dive & proceeds to immediately descend, leaving the guy I was diving with & myself looking at eachother, blinking:w-t-f:. We then decided to follow a road down to the deep end & to a depth of almost 100ft. We did a 1hr dive & came out about 35 min after the lady had come off her dive. We then find out at that point that she was a relatively new diver with only about 25dives (I have 140 dives & still consider myself not all that experienced).
Ill be the devils advocate here..
1. Nr of dives does not by itself say very much about the divers expereience or skill level.
2. Nr of dives does not say ANYTHING about a divers mental capabilities and mental preparedness for solo diving.
3. In hindsight, you knew her initial intentions and as such, her actions shouldnt be a surprise to you.
4. Theres a whole lot more solo divers out there than youd think. Including divers certified with agencies that tell you that youll DIE if you dive solo.
5. For a solo diver, the smart thing to do is to let people know when, where and what to do if you dont show up according to the plan. She was asked and ignored it, maybe not the best move but afterall, thats her call. I definetly would have let people know, especially when theres even divers ON SITE what my plan was.
6. Dont really see the need to dive solo when theres 2 other divers diving the same site, but to each their own..
leabre, I enjoyed your story. I understand how difficult it is to call a dive when you really want to get out there and keep thinking maybe it won't be that bad. This applies to insta-buddies as well as a host of other dive preparedness issues.

It helps to remind all of us that as soon as we start thinking maybe it won't be that bad it will likely be worse.

Instant gratification is not all its cracked up to be. That reef, wreck, cave... whatever will still be there when I am really ready to dive it.
WOW!.... lots of lessons learned ...... I hope...

Judgement....lacking for both divers...

Glad you only lost a fin.... and not somthing you cant get back!
You had me at "cardboard lobster measurer". I nominate him for a Divers Darwin award.:rofl3:
Dude that is a wild story I dive with many new buddies on most rig trips in the gulf. Be prepared to rescue yuorself dive with a pony setup
But did you ever find your other fin?!!!!

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