Aboard the Titanic

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The Hague (Holland)
My wife and I were recently diving on the Titanic as we do every week when we noticed a photographer taking pictures of us from a small submersible craft.

Obviously the euphoria of diving and Nitrogen Narcosis had got the better of us at that depth.

Here is the picture he took whilst my wife was doing her "Look Jack I'm flying" routine.

Let me know if you have had similar experiences deep diving.

"May your bubbles flow forever upwards"


P.S. This is just my way of intoducing myself to Scuba Board!
Hi and Welcome Aquamore

Great intro.....

I've just downloaded the pic with the intentions of finding out how you dived the Titanic as it sounded impossible.
and a Warm Welcome

I am glad that you got that photo I sent you I was afraid that i wrote your address wrong.

First I thought ok you're not talking about the REAL Titanic, but someother ship with the same name. Then the "naked" thing got me - I looked, and laughed!

Bravo, and welcome to the fun and games.
Hello and welcome from the Land of Smiles!
Great intro! Welcome to a great place to spend your SI!

Can I be frank, I think you're getting a little thin, are you eating right?:snack:


Glad to meet you!
Ber :bunny:

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