A public thank you to some great So Cal divers

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Middle Earth
Hi All,

I wanted to give a public thank you to some GREAT So Cal divers who dove with me this last Sunday at Shaws Cove in Laguna Beach.

David Watson
Al Bane
Al's daughter (who's name escapes me, sorry)
Geoff Nelson
Matt (David's friend whose last name escapes me, sorry)
Tevis Verrett

Tevis connected me with David as I was originally going to dive with him prior to his having a schedule conflict.

I am a VERY new diver and this was my first time diving in the ocean. I made MANY mistakes before and during the dive AND I even hyperventelated after having trouble getting through the surf. As a nurse I knew what was going on yet I felt powerless to stop it. I would like to offer special thanks to Al who helped me calm down and recover so I could still dive.

At every point in the morning, these GREAT divers with far more experience than myself were patient, willing to teach me what I didn't know, and willing to answer my newbie questions without making me feel like a newbie. They were also quite gracious about the fact that I (as the only diver on a single tank and the one with the worst SAC) was the limiting factor for the dive.

As I got connected with this great group through Scubaboard, I felt like this was the best place to say thanks.

aka Robert

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