Last sunday, my instructor had a course for the dys suit splecialty, I've no better to do than diving with them so I dived!
It was a lake dive forme the shore, I dived the previous week and I knew that water was very cold (3°C), all three of us aggred on making the skills dive and going out of water, and of course we planned not to dive too deep (not deeper than 9 meters).
The dive goes perfectly well appart of our fingers
. The student says he think more responsible to cancel the second dive scheduled for the afternoon.
We agreed totally. A full group of divers has had frozen regulators during our dive...
During our logging time, the guy who own the dive site call after physician and I go immediately with him (very happy to have my instructor and his husband, all two rescue and Dan instructor).
The problem was two divers distant from the shore but (happily) conscient.
Their story:
They planned a dive on the 40m with two instructors the two instructors was on recyclor (is it the rigth word?) and the two others not. Since the visilbility is about 1 foot they lost themselves on the 35 m at this point a regulator froze. The buddy give an alternate source but...Frozen too. They begun an emergency ascent with very few air left and only one regulator.
But the "rescuer" (if I can say...) could not use the valve of his buddy's dry suit and...Blow up!
When assisting the two guys, waiting medical assistance, the guy talk about this valve and his buddy says: "Well I KNEW IT IS OUT OF ORDER, I ONLY USE THE WRIST VALVE" Oho.
As an information, this dive has not other purpose than going deep, at this depth ther absolutely nothing but mud.
Fortunately they go very well.
What about the predive check,
What about diving with a broken purge
What about diving in nearly ice cold water with a not-fully-functionnal stuff
Is me or It is a little bit...well, I will stay correct.
Could I have your opinion?
It was a lake dive forme the shore, I dived the previous week and I knew that water was very cold (3°C), all three of us aggred on making the skills dive and going out of water, and of course we planned not to dive too deep (not deeper than 9 meters).
The dive goes perfectly well appart of our fingers

We agreed totally. A full group of divers has had frozen regulators during our dive...
During our logging time, the guy who own the dive site call after physician and I go immediately with him (very happy to have my instructor and his husband, all two rescue and Dan instructor).
The problem was two divers distant from the shore but (happily) conscient.
Their story:
They planned a dive on the 40m with two instructors the two instructors was on recyclor (is it the rigth word?) and the two others not. Since the visilbility is about 1 foot they lost themselves on the 35 m at this point a regulator froze. The buddy give an alternate source but...Frozen too. They begun an emergency ascent with very few air left and only one regulator.
But the "rescuer" (if I can say...) could not use the valve of his buddy's dry suit and...Blow up!
When assisting the two guys, waiting medical assistance, the guy talk about this valve and his buddy says: "Well I KNEW IT IS OUT OF ORDER, I ONLY USE THE WRIST VALVE" Oho.
As an information, this dive has not other purpose than going deep, at this depth ther absolutely nothing but mud.
Fortunately they go very well.
What about the predive check,
What about diving with a broken purge
What about diving in nearly ice cold water with a not-fully-functionnal stuff
Is me or It is a little bit...well, I will stay correct.
Could I have your opinion?