As drrich2 pointed out, yes, I did get some sea sick. It was much worse on the pangas (inflatable Zodiacs) than on the live aboard, but here were times we were going through 10- 12 ft (3- 4 m) seas. I really don't like to use the patches because the tend to knock me on my butt, but a friend on the trip who was is a nurse suggested for me to only use 1/2 a patch. I tried it & it worked like a charm. I was not sea sick, yet I also wasn't loopy...... OK,... no more loopier than usual. SInce everyone is an individual, its hard to say what will work for you. As was suggested, try a short live aboard & see what you might be able to find.
Ditto on trying the short live aboard - I dove Galapagos in Dec and was sick every night - Wolf and Darwin were a killer - the "ride over" is rough - I had the patch, I had the patch in pill form, I had meclazine, I had ginger and I used the pressure bracelets - nothing worked for me. I missed most dinners - but the diving is well worth it. The patches bother Tammy - (Tstormdiver) but they don't phase me at all - every one is different - the trip is very pricey - I would try to find something you think will work for you before I hopped on that boat! Good luck!