Had another great day with Kevin Lee, who continues to find the scarcest of critters and put us to shame.
Vis is variable on the west side of Palos Verdes, and it hasn't changed much (for us) over the last 2 weeks. Generally speaking, below 20', there's a brisk, 30' layer of chunky schmutz.
Big Red

Cadlina flavomaculata with a munnid isopod hitchhiker.

Facelina stearnsi

Tritonia festiva

It seemed to be raining salp chains, which I find mesmerizing and completely distracting! However, no medusas were to be had.
Vis is variable on the west side of Palos Verdes, and it hasn't changed much (for us) over the last 2 weeks. Generally speaking, below 20', there's a brisk, 30' layer of chunky schmutz.
Big Red

Cadlina flavomaculata with a munnid isopod hitchhiker.

Facelina stearnsi

Tritonia festiva

It seemed to be raining salp chains, which I find mesmerizing and completely distracting! However, no medusas were to be had.