Wetwork for Hire
Nice write up. A side question:
why not ditch your fishes? is it possible that the sharks were after your fishes because they smell the blood?
Thank you. Well, eventually I did. It was a 15 minute battle I was having in my mind... Those are my fish. I earned them. But, at the end of the day I'm an alien in their environment and fish aren't worth dying for. I needed to focus on getting the boats attention.
I don't believe it's as much the blood as it is the still pulsing nerves in the fish. Despite the fish being essentially dead, they still twitch for some time unless you sever the spinal cord with your shot. Some guys brain the fish which will create more blood, but I believe it stops the twitch. I've never done it.
The whole "a shark can smell a drop of blood a mile away" is silly. But they can sense the electrical pulses and sense an injured fish, school of bait, a heart beat, etc. from a great distance. It's pretty remarkable really. Whenever I read about it reminds me of the character Neo in the movie The Matrix. I envision sharks seeing the ocean in a electrical and magnetic picture. They also use their lateral line as well to size up prey and threats. Notice the shark paused as it turned and gave me a broad side of his lateral line after I threw the butt of my gun down toward it. He was sizing me up. And of course their eyes. Put it all together and you have a perfect navigating predator with sharp teeth.
Ampullae of Lorenzini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lateral line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia