A Canadian hello

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Ontario, Canada
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Greetings...I began by saying I am from Canada because I suppose that makes me unique since most users of this site are probably from the sunny south.
I am now 51 years young and have aspired to scuba dive since I was a teen. I was one of those hard core Jaques Coustaeu fans and always dreamt of being down there with him. Now I am a proud grand dad and for my recent birthday, my 3 daughters pooled together to sign me up for a scuba certification course. I suppose they figured it was due considering my middle daughter is getting married in Punta Cana in May 2010 and since I have never been to the tropics, they knew I would need to scuba dive when there. I am absolutely pumped and can't wait!!
I am a failrly strong swimmer although I have never been particularly sporty or physically active until about 5 years ago when my youngest daughter convinced me to start running. Since then I have completed 9 half marathons and 3 full marathons. And most recently ran the Chicago Marathon where we both qualified for the Boston Marathon coming in April 2010. By the way, she got her scuba licence while in Hondurous last summer so she will also be my dive partner in the Dominican in May.
As far as my scuba course in concerned, due to the cold water up here this time of year, I will need to take the written and pool classes but take the open water test when I go south. I was hoping to get some advice about that. Although it seems to be a common practice, I hope everything coordinates ok between my accreditation here with PADI and the final OW exam at the resort so I can enjoy diving with my daughter.
Well that's all for now. Since I am new to the sport, any advice about suggestions for equipment and anything like that would be appreciated!
Welcome, fellow cold lover! Ugh... I'll take the warm water anyday! Make sure you get your PADI referral in order with the shop you're learning at, and the one you'll take your OW dives with down south, and all should be well and smooth for you! Personally, I wouldn't let too much grass grow in between the two if you can schedule it, but that's just my opinion. Skills not used are skills soon forgotten, and there IS a difference between the pool and the ocean. But - you will LOVE it! I learned after 40, and went on to teach - and if I can teach, you can learn!! (Got my OWSI cert in Honduras too, btw!)

A plethora of folk here to answer any and all of your questions, and hook you for good on the sport!! Enjoy!!
Thanks for the reply Steve. Great advice though I already had planned to take the course later than sooner. Probably hold off until March or so (who knows we may have an early spring and be able to get in the frosty Canadian water before I go south) not likely but anyway what were you saying about preping the shop down south before the OW. The local shop made it sound like the referral they give me is universal and any training facility will accept it as a valid. Is that too optomistic and should I try to get in touch with the resort ahead of time to ensure all will jive? Or am I acting like a rookie and worrying too much.
- Tim
Hey Tim

I would contact the referral shop down south to arrange the completion of your training (let them know you're a referral). I would also suggest that if there is a bit of time between your pool training and your trip that you arrange a 'refresher' with the shop who did your initial training (if that doesn't seem to work, let me know...I'll run you through a tune up). Once you're certified there are a number of local spots to keep your skills fresh between trips - plus being close to the Great Lakes we are blessed with some incredible wreck diving. Brockville has drift diving that is very enjoyable.

I also happen to be a runner, although the longest race I've done is the 'Around the Bay' 30 K in Hamilton (ran it three years in a row). I like the half-marathon distance - it is easier to accommodate the training schedule with a wife who likes to go out on weekends (try telling her I need to be home so I can rest up for a training run the next morning....just watch carefully:no:)

Any other questions, give me a shout. When you want to go for a dive, let me know.

I looked at your profile picture...shock factor, 10 out of 10!! If it's not a joke photo, then I feel it is inappropriate and can not for the life of me imagine what you were trying to portray by posing in your underwear on a bed surrounded by firearms!! You sound like a really nice guy and probably are, but what is with that picture??
I don't think you're being a worry wart, but it never hurts to get in touch with the dive op down south and make sure they know you're a referral, and what you've done and what you want to do. They should have all the PADI paperwork from either you or the starting shop, but if it's just an email or a quick call, then what's the worry? I did my OW through e-learning, and they had everything when I got there, but an email confirmed everything before I headed to Australia. Just being proactive, you know? It IS universal through PADI, so no worries there.
And I'd start the open water portion in WARM water ...just saying! :)
I looked at your profile picture...shock factor, 10 out of 10!! If it's not a joke photo, then I feel it is inappropriate and can not for the life of me imagine what you were trying to portray by posing in your underwear on a bed surrounded by firearms!! You sound like a really nice guy and probably are, but what is with that picture??

I look nothing like the picture, and although I did serve as a medic in the Canadian Armed Forces - Reserves for 5 years I rarely carried a weapon. I would actually say I am far more a left-leaning, social justice, who-needs-a-gun kinda guy. I am clean shaven, brush cut and not 'round' like the guy in the picture. I continue to run 3 or 4 times per week in addition to other physical activities.

I put that up a while back while 'discussing' in one of the forums about an American pre-occupation/obsession with firearms that I still can't truly understand.

I guess in humour there is always a little truth - the ugliness of the picture unfortunately captures the spirit of the firearms discussion I had on the ScubaBoard. I certainly didn't hope to offend, but in a way I hoped it might shock into realizing that there are waaaaaaay too many people out there that do resemble this guy.

I appreciate the comment. Take care!


Since new folks to the forum might check your profile like I did, ever consider putting something on there that does you justice?

...or just be prepared to shock a few newbies until you can explain ;-o
Hi. I am from Canada too, I just dive for 3 years. I love the colour TV (carribean, pacific or atlantic ocean) better than the black and white (Lake in Canada). I am close to your age and I know how you feel. I just want to say never too late to learn and to explore. I met a couple when I went to Costa Rica a week ago, they were almost 70 years old and still diving. So we still have a long way to go. I love the ocean so much that I am going for my DM.
Nice to hear from you...fellow Canadian. I am looking forward to diving in a clear blue ocean some day soon. Once I am certified and hopefully dive in the Dominican when we go down for my daughter's wedding in May, I will likely love it as much as you do.
All the best and hope to hear from you again sometime!

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