The A.C.E. is probably the most well-known wreck in the Orange County area and is just a short 20 minute boat ride from the Dana Point Harbor. It sank in 2005 so it is relatively intact.
I haven't been on the A.C.E. since pre-Covid and wanted to go back to build a good photogrammetry model since there really isn't any reference material readily available and it is within recreational limits so it sees a reasonable number of divers.
The wreck usually has tons of California scorpionfish (they are nesting all over the vessel) and, for the depth, has an amazing density of white metridiums. I usually only see them on deeper wrecks and structures.
The history of the wreck along with photos and a link to the photogrammetry model is posted at:
Here is a screen capture of the photogrammetry model:
- brett
I haven't been on the A.C.E. since pre-Covid and wanted to go back to build a good photogrammetry model since there really isn't any reference material readily available and it is within recreational limits so it sees a reasonable number of divers.
The wreck usually has tons of California scorpionfish (they are nesting all over the vessel) and, for the depth, has an amazing density of white metridiums. I usually only see them on deeper wrecks and structures.
The history of the wreck along with photos and a link to the photogrammetry model is posted at:

A.C.E. Wreck (Dana Point — 115 fsw)
Background It has been quite some time since I have been diving on the A.C.E. wreck (which is a bit crazy since it is probably the closest wreck to my house). For some reason, there was a mid-week …

Here is a screen capture of the photogrammetry model:
- brett