From the article:Looks like Kyle will be back in the water before too long
Shark attack survivor eager to get back in water
"It might be in the back of my head that this can happen, but you can't really live your life like that," he said. "My friends all went out yesterday, and I was sorry I couldn't go."
Let's see.... chum to attract many hungry bull sharks, shoot cobia off of them (likely stressing the sharks as well) and then try to reel in bleeding fish in the presence of these agitated, hungry sharks? Seems like he was on the receiving end of a "bound to happen" result - was just a matter of time... Hard to feel sorry for him, but I do wish him the best in terms of recovery.
Also from the article:
"My mom tried telling me that this [spearfishing around sharks] is not a good idea. And I probably got a little too confident. I'll be more cautious now. But spearfishing is my life."
He should have listened to his mom - most moms are usually right