I don't own a Halo AR, but I spoke to a fellow who owns one, and he graciously let me lay my greasy meathooks upon it. It's niiiiiice.If you want to buy Fourth Element, check the new Halo AR too. I heard is as warm as a 3D but it's less bulky. I haven't tried one on. Maybe someone owns both could comment on this.
Thermal properties: The owner reported that the Halo AR is warmer than a Halo 3D, with far less bulk. My fingers were toasty warm after just touching the fabric for a while.
Buoyancy: The Halo AR is fairly buoyant; the owner adds about 2 lbs. of weight beyond what he wears with other undergarments of a similar thickness.
Tailoring: The attention to detail on the Halo AR is top-notch. For example, the stirrups are extra wide, and the zippers all have sealing elements to minimize air transfer.