40-foot Club

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You think that there might be a chance of a "squeeze" with this type of activity at depth,? and would that be a good thing or bad??:mean:
the OK signal would not only be good but feel good
Is it a PADI speciality course yet?

As long as we are wearing 3/2 7mm or Drysuits, hoods, gloves; it will wait till after the safety stop.

And how do you light the cigarette?
PADI Specialty course--Ontario that's quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever heard. I can see it now...

Oh yeah to all of you suggesting 20m--isn't that a bit deep? I mean that's 66 feet. Just my opinion, I rather take it shallower. Although being narced might be fun.
Does being the object of a sea lions romantic intentions qualify? Or must this be with your dive buddy only? ages
Pete-did this really surprise you - oh sure - if this were in the 'Men Only' section there would be hundreds of posts by lurking women...hee hee
I'm having a quiet chuckle, just imagining how everything will work.

Gives a whole new meaning to communication signals, air consumption and diving plans.
I think you're right. This is a male fantasy.
I'll take a big king sized bed, satin sheets, a fireplace with a roaring fire, a glass of pink champagne, and some new age music playing anyday.

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