Regarding Decomposition underwater:
Robert Heikka was missing 2.5 years, driver window open, he was in the back seat, flesh intact, a Deputy commented "That's my 6th grade teacher, he still has the same haircut." Surprised how long the remains lasted.
Bob Helphrey was gone 17 years, we found full skeletal remains.
We recovered skeletal remains 2 Saturdays ago near Miami that we believe will be tied to a 31yr cold case. I found the skull & ribcage, stopped there and secured the scene, brought a line from the steering wheel to the surface marker buoy. All bones intact in the silt below the upside down driver's wheel.
Karen Moore was found by my partner in January in Davie, first some finger bones in the trunk, then the top half skeletal remains over the courseof 3 weeks. I found additional remains of lower vertebrae & pelvis believed to be connected to her case 2 weeks ago as well. Preservation was good in the mud. DNA is pending.
Also recently found a 2nd car buried 100%, via metal detector on another case at the request of local law enforcement detectives.
We're going back out tomorrow searching for a 13 month cold case.
You have a fun job indeed. (Sorry, I couldn't help it