When Stephen and I found the first diver he was nuetral in the water with his torso just above the main deck and his lower body in the space below, he was half way through a cut-out in the deck. His regulator was out of his mouth, motionless and unresponsive. He was facing an exterior cut-out about 10ft in front of him. The three stage tanks were off his right shoulder just behind him about 6ft away just inside the next forward compartment. When we began our extraction he was not entangled in anything, his guage showed 0 air. As soon as we got to the surface the coast guard instructed us not to touch his equipment and let them have him. I remember seeing a line hanging down from the level above us and it appeared to be chaffed through right at the level of the main deck, this could have been an old line and not belonging to these guys, I do not know. If I remember correctly I do recall this diver having a finger reel hanging off his equipment.
I hope this paints a better picture for you all!
It is rather vivid in our heads.
I hope this paints a better picture for you all!
It is rather vivid in our heads.