AndrewJD:"Bolt-snaps belong where they are needed. And they are needed at the light
all the time and it does not make sense to get the double-ender from the
d-ring, clip it to the lighthead and then the light head to the d-ring. This
may sound acceptable to you if you are diving one scooter and one stage. If
you would use three, four or five scooters and several stages, you would
need to clip off the light head more often during a dive.
With the right bolt-snaps you can even clip off the light with one hand,
that means you do not have to let go the scooter. Using the not appropriate
double-ender is always a two-hand operation."
-Reinhard Buchaly, Quest, Primary Light Attachment, June 19th, 2004
This was an interesting thread on Quest a while back. I belive that Reinhald makes a pretty strong argument for having bolt snaps, vice loops with a double ender, tied to the Goodman Handle and behind the ballast.
As for mounting the the rear boltsnap I use cave line and tie it on the cord at the base of the ballast with a zip tie around the cord just behind the knot to ensure it won't slip.
I've heard people say they can clip off/on the double eneder with one hand, although I sure can't do it myself - maybe if the loop was bigger, then again it pretty much takes me 2 hands to take off the light and stow it anyways as I tend to grab the head with my right hand and pull my left hand out the goodmand and then clip off.