Theoretically, an unbalanced second stage becomes harder to breathe on at deeper depths while a balanced second stage keeps its cracking pressure the same regardless of depth.
I'm not sure what you're referring to here. Balanced and unbalanced 2nd stages react exactly the same way to depth increases. The difference is in how they react to IP. Unbalanced 2nds are held shut with a spring (and ambient pressure) only, meaning they are more reactive to changes in IP. Also, the spring holding the valve shut is much stiffer, meaning that once the valve is open it takes more effort to keep it open. Balanced 2nds divert some of the downstream air flow, usually through a hole in the seat, so that it "pushes back" against the opposite end of the poppet and assists in holding the valve closed. This does a few nice things, but none of them have anything to with depth. 1) It allows the 2nd stage to be more stable with changing IP, as the changes in downstream pressure are matched with change in the upstream balancing pressure. 2) It allows the use of a much lighter spring, because the balancing air provides much of the force needed to keep the valve closed. 3) When you inhale, IP drops; meaning the force opening the valve also drops. This drop also occurs in the balance chamber, meaning there's less force trying to close the valve, and making WOB theoretically lower.
Getting back to the OP, yes it will work but you might need an adapter for the 1st stage, or a new hose. Actually a new LP hose might not be a bad idea on used regs.