I remember just coming out of my open water, had about 8 dives only and went (shore) diving with my boss, his brother and 2 of his buddies (3 dive masters and 1 rescue diver).
being so new and still having nerves, i did this constant diver count check every minute or so, "one, two, three, four and me is five...... one, two, three, four and me is five...".
about 5 mins in, a group of divers, coming from the opposite direction came pass us - we waved and continued on our way... and i kept counting... "one, two, three, four, five and me = six"... hang on! SIX.. we're a group of 5, where did the other diver come from??
i signaled to the diver, pointing, signaling and trying to say "hey, where is your buddy, where is your goup?". i then asked for his gauge to check his air - added bonus to this event - he was almost out of air, at 15mtrs (approx 45ft) deep and lost.
i then did the sensible thing - handed it over to divers more trained than me. signaling for my boss, i pointed out the new diver plus held up his guage showing very little air. During all this time, this lost diver didnt seem to show any real interest in what was going on. so dive was over (i had counted 16 sea dragons by this point so the critter count was finished for the day), my boss buddy breathed the lost diver to the surface and we went with him.
when we got to the surface, we could hear yelling and arguing. I heard one guy say "what am i suppose to do, treat them like sheep", and another voice yelling, "yes, thats exactly what they are", instantly telling us this was an open water course. My boss yelled out "hello, are you missing someone?'
i swear - i know some scuba instructions say they can walk on water - but i swear i actually saw it that day when one of these guys came running into the water towards us. He grabbed our found diver's tank valve and practically pulled him out of the water yelling "get into the car park!" as they both headed to the shore.
then there was total silence for the next 30 seconds in our group, and then my boss turned to one of our group, held out his hand for a handshake and said "well done mate, we did good".
and that was it, no "thanks mate", no handshake - nothing except for the yelling coming from the shore.