west end

  1. Sure Squintsalot

    Info Roatan Diving: Videos of Actual Reef Conditions at West End, South Shore and Cocoview- July 2022

    When researching potential dive sites, I'm often frustrated by the lack of detailed overview videos of dive conditions at that site. If videos exist at all, they might be 3 minutes of crappy stick-held GoPro footage or glorious professionally produced "Best-of" clips complete with drone shots...
  2. DougA

    Roatan, West End

    Hi Folks, Looking for thoughts on West End-based dive operators. Going in May. Staying in West End at Cocolobo w/ my wife. (first time to Roatan!) Looking for a good dive operator near there. My wife- snorkel only. Me - At least five dives, maybe more, and maybe go for the advanced...
  3. DeepMeditation

    Island Diving Center, West End Roatan

    We just got back from a week of diving with Island Diving Center, in West End (at Brisas del Mar Hotel). They are just beyond where the paved main street turns to dirt along the water. This used to be Sueno del Mar, which was a troubled operation (I spent many months diving and working in Roatan...
  4. shulman77

    Rescue Dive course on Roatán

    Hi - I'm traveling to Roatán in late January/early February and am looking to do my rescue course as well as some recreational dives. Does anyone have recommendations for dive shops/schools? I got a little overwhelmed looking at all the options so am reaching out to the community to help me...
  5. KidDocDMC

    Roatan Hotels - Anthony's Key vs. Ibagari

    I am planning on going to Roatan with my son in April (though am also thinking about the ScubaBoard invasion, since I just saw that post). My local dive shop recommends Anthony's Key, but Ibagari looks much more upscale. Does anyone have experience with both? Anthony's is all-inclusive and...
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