
  1. klausi

    Goby Filming

    I have recently moved away from exclusively photographing underwater to shooting stills and video. I am mainly using an Olympus E-M1, with the 17-42 mm kit lens and the 60 mm macro lens. I am focusing on filming my favorite fishes, the gobies. I am happy about some of the results, but I realize...
  2. ScubaEm65

    Venomous Blue-Ringed Octopus

    The blue-ringed octopus, despite its small size, carries enough venom to kill twenty-six adult humans within minutes. Their bites are tiny and often painless, with many victims not realizing they have been envenomated until respiratory depression and paralysis start to set in. No blue-ringed...
  3. ScubaEm65

    Odd Creature: Fingered Dragonet

    The Finger Dragonet, also known as the Sailfin Dragonet is an unusual creature with it’s ‘fingered’ fins and striking metallic blue spotted dorsal fin. They will spend their day hovering among rocks picking at small crustaceans including copepods, amphipods. Their mouths are very small and they...
  4. NHgirl7

    For Sale Underwater Video Housing for your consumer video cam

    Under water video housing! for the lake, pool, or ocean. Holds your video camera so you can now film underwater. I no longer scuba dive so I just don't need it. Used maybe 2 times. Dimensions 6.5" by 8.5". Condition: excellent. Originally $400. Comes with original documentation and 2 gaskets...


    INON UFL-G140 SEMI-FISHEYE CONVERSION LENS FOR GOPRO - BRAND NEW $175 Regular retail price $389. Buyer assumes shipping costs. Mail within US is $20. Brand-new, unused, only opened for photos, undamaged items in its original packaging * I won this lens in a photo competition and I don't shoot...
  6. L

    For Sale SOLA 8000 VIDEO LIGHT $1500

    A BEAST OF A LIGHT. This light has been on literally one dive and is in perfect condition. I dont have the box but comes with a soft cover and loc line mount....i have a ball mount but its not with me (back home)....could get it if bought later. Looking for $1500 as this thing is brand new. I...
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