trip reports

  1. edoralive

    Trip Report ProDivers St. Kitts - St. Kitts and Nevis

    I had the pleasure of visiting St. Kitts and Nevis Jan 26 - 31. I dove two days with ProDivers St. Kitts, Jan 27 and 28. Both dives were morning two-tank dives - the only regularly offered. Some basic things: Air only, no nitrox Water temp was 80-81 degrees No current to speak of Visibility...
  2. adiverslife

    Trip Report Nova Scotia Diving

    We shot this video of diving in St. Margarets Bay area of Nova Scotia. I have yet to see people post anything about diving here so I thought I would show people a short video of our trip diving in this area for our YouTube Channel A Diver's Life. For those who are into diving celebrities you...
  3. EVMarketing

    Trip Report Turks & Caicos Explorer II, May 22-29, 2021

    Here's our latest trip report. Dive in! Turks & Caicos Explorer II May 22-29, 2021. From the crew. Guests were in the water at North West Point, TCI for the first dive of the charter at Eel Garden. The Caribbean and Nurse Sharks were seen on the first dive as a few of the guests shook off the...
  4. EVMarketing

    Trip Report Turks & Caicos Explorer II, May 8-15th, 2021

    TRIP REPORT: Turks & Caicos Explorer II Turks & Caicos Islands May 8-15th, 2021. By the crew. Saturday: This weeks' divers boarded at 3 pm to begin another great week of diving aboard the TCEXII. After going through our welcome briefings and setting up gear, we cranked up the engines and headed...
  5. O

    Solved: Should There Be A Forum Dedicated to Trip Reports?

    I ask the question because there are so many great trip reports that get buried in various forums. The recent contributions by @Trailboss123 and @drrich2 come to mind. I don't know about others, but with the volume of material on SB, I find that it is harder to keep track of a particular trip...
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