
  1. S

    GALAPAGOS: 2 last spaces because of cancellation 30 April - 07 May 20 - USD 3000 off, free hotel in Quito, and free Nitrox

    LUXURY DIVE YACHT Galaxy Divers II > Galaxy Diver II - Galapagos Islands 30 April - 07 May 2025 was US$7100, now only US$4100 2 last spaces in twin or double cabin lower deck because of cancellation Send me a message on WhatsApp: Diving Specials Including: 7-night diving route 'Wolf & Darwin'...
  2. Wheeler925

    Trip Report Nassau via Stuart Cove's

    Just a quick 'trip' report. My family was cruising on Symphony of the Seas and we ended up in Nassau instead of the planned San Juan and St. Maarten. Pretty crappy change, but made the most of it. I booked an excursion through the ship for 2 dives with Stuart Cove's. Price for me was $215...
  3. m_BK

    French Polynesia - Waterworld

    I had the chance to travel to the island`s of French Polynesia. This trip offered unforgettable highlights of the underwater world. There were intact coral worlds, countless sharks, dolphins and whales. The water worlds of French Polynesia set a new benchmark for me in places and areas that I...
  4. S

    Womens Perspective on Shark Encounters 🦈😱🤯🙈

    Ever asked yourself if Women are afrait of sharks? I can tell you … HERE YOU GO: 🦈😱🤯🙈🇲🇻
  5. Top Class Cruising

    A great experience of Liveaboard in the Maldives in May

    A shot of the spectacle offered underwater on the end-of-season cruise, last week in May. Back in the water in August!
  6. TheDolphin

    Trip Report Rodney Fox Expedition (20 April 2024)

    Trip Report Rodney Fox Expediiton Port Lincoln, South Australia Dates: 20-25 April 2024 Summary I went on a special expedition with Rodney Fox with an Italian shark scientist (Dr. Alessandro De Maddalena) and nine other guests plus crew to see Great White Sharks. Due to factors out of our...
  7. E

    Roatan Recomendation for a Shark Dive

    Hi guys I'm going to be in Roatan for the next couple of weeks and really want to do a Shark Dive, can anyone that has done it recommend me a good shop to do it with. Thanks
  8. Pearlman

    Question PADI Shark AWARE worth the money?

    So I am heading for my next dive trip and was looking up something new to learn and this caught my eye - It costs about $200 and the big question is what value would it bring for that kinda money when I am never going to be a research diver working in an NGO and remain a vacation diver for...
  9. Dan

    Thresher Sharks of Kimud Shoal

    Spent a few days in Malapascua, Philippines, in December 2022 with Evolution and January 2023 with Infiniti to see these incredible Thresher sharks. The footages are my best close encounters of 12 dives (8 with Evolution and 4 with Infiniti) to see these sharks at their cleaning station in...
  10. CantamarLaPaz

    Mexican Govt shuts down Guadalupe Island indefinitely

    To our Travelers, Dive Agencies, Dive Groups and Friends and Media: The Government of Mexico, thru the National Commission for Protected Natural Areas (CONANP) has indefinitely closed the Guadalupe Island White Shark Biosphere Reserve, the only site in Mexico who sustains a White Shark...
  11. emelimelo

    Egypt - Brothers Islands - Is it safe to dive?

    Greetings, Would anyone be able to comment on scuba diving in the Brothers Islands in Egypt I wonder? It would be great to hear about your past experiences with regards to the safety measures taken by liveaboards and the dive site management; and also the interactions with sharks... The...
  12. Diving Palau, Micronesia  - a few snapshots from June 2022

    Diving Palau, Micronesia - a few snapshots from June 2022

    A few Palau diving moments, shot in June 2022 - enjoy! 🎧 Music: “Solace” by Scott Buckley – - licenced under a CC3.0 Licence 🎧
  13. Shark and EEL lion fish feeding St Kitts

    Shark and EEL lion fish feeding St Kitts

    St Kitts divers kill the lion fish then feed them to the sharks and eels
  14. Snakekid97

    Locations for new diver interested in sand tiger sharks

    Hi all, I am a relatively new open water diver. I have only ever done 2 ocean dives, in the gulf. I am moving to Charleston SC from May-August for work. I have read online that sand tiger sharks are plentiful off the NC coast around wrecks, especially over the summer. I am very interested in...
  15. Curious  Nurse Shark

    Curious Nurse Shark

    This beautiful Nurse Shark circled us on a dive multiple times giving us the opportunity to get some amazing video of her. What a great moment!
  16. Blueflip

    Tips and Settings for Shark Photography

    Hi, I recently started with UW Photography (coming from GoPro) and would love to hear your tips and settings for a successful baited shark dive. I will be freediving and probably at max depth around 3-5 meters. My gear: Panasonic LX10 Ikelite Housing Ikelite WD-3 Wide Angle Dome GoPro 8 on top...
  17. Raja Ampat Epaulette Shark / “Walking Shark” - Indonesia

    Raja Ampat Epaulette Shark / “Walking Shark” - Indonesia

    The Raja Ampat Epaulette Shark (Hemiscylliium freycineti), also known as the “Raja Ampat Walking Shark”, was first classified in 2013. These tiny, endemic sharks are called “walking” sharks because of their peculiar ability to walk on the seafloor. YT:
  18. Castle Rock - Komodo National Park

    Castle Rock - Komodo National Park

    Castle Rock is one of the iconic northern dive sites of Komodo National Park. Shaped like a worn down mountain, this current-swept underwater pinnacle offers a great sample of Komodo's rich and diverse fauna, along with a taste of the North's great predatory action - YT:
  19. B

    Can you ID this shark?

    This shark was seen in the Mexican Caribbean. About 40 feet of water. 300-400 yards off shore. Probably about 3-4 feet in length. I don't want to give more specific location info because I don't want to bias your opinion.
  20. Dani Pierone

    Closed Sharkbanz 2

    Selling my brand new Sharkbanz 2 device. Sharkbanz 2 - Active Shark Deterrent Ankle / Wristband Retails for $84, willing to let it go for $50. The box itself was water damaged, but the device itself is brand new, never used. But again, no fancy box.
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