
  1. Thomas Witt

    Beneath the Surface 3/4" Locline Flex arm

    Hi, I am somewhat new to underwater photography and have a camera tray with 1-inch ball joints built into the handles. To connect my Inon S2000 strobes I have used 2, 8" ball joint arms, which work well but are a bit challenging to adjust underwater, and then I have Inon ball joint adapters. I...
  2. Thomas Witt

    TG-6 housing questions

    Hello scuba board i recently have gotten a TG-6 camera and have been wondering what type of housing I should get. my options within my $300 budget are Olympus pt58/59 - $300 SeaFrogs housing - $200 Ikelite - $300 which i have ruled off due to that there is not built in flash are. Now as I'm...
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