
  1. DiveHeart

    Storms couldn't stop the Diveheart Florida Suncoast Team this weekend.

    No storm can stop Diveheart! After a brief thunderstorm ⛈ hold, the FL Suncoast Team had a great time blowing bubbles at the Arlington Park & Aquatic Complex! A huge thanks to all our participants and volunteers who braved the stormy weather to join the fun! A special thanks to Unique Scuba and...
  2. DiveHeart

    Adaptive Scuba Training Tools Unlike Any in The World!

    One of Diveheart's Amazing Unique Adaptive Training Tools is the Adaptive Diver Profile Slate that helps establish rolls and responsibilities of each member of the adaptive dive team as well as safety protocols and special adaptive equipment that is needed for the dive. Learn more from...
  3. DiveHeart

    Giant Stride for the Blind in Cozumel Diveheart Adaptive Training!

    Leap of Faith...Yesterday, Klaus ( Scuba Instructor from Munich ) and & Seth ( Scuba instructor from Utila ) prepare to begin their Diveheart Blind training in Cozumel Mexico. Klaus insisted on doing his giant stride entry into the water from the end of the Hotel Cozumel Pier while simulating a...
  4. DiveHeart

    Why are the words Handicapped and Disabled disappearing from Adaptive Scuba?

    Why is Diveheart working so hard to take the words Handicapped and Disabled out of Adaptive Scuba??? Check it out…/ #freedom#scubatherapy #innerspace #handicapped #disabled #adaptive#scubatraining #aquanaut #rehabilitation #therapy
  5. DiveHeart

    Want to get Crazy in Cozumel this December?

    Want to get Crazy in Cozumel with Diveheart?. This weeks crew includes adaptive scuba instructors from as far away as Munich Germany, Oregon, Chicago and Georgia, as well as adaptive buddies from around the country. You can join Diveheart on their Dec 7-14 while there is space. Just contact...
  6. DiveHeart

    Where can you learn how to properly weight an adaptive diver? Cozumel!

    Getting weighted properly on our day one shore dive is critical is and adaptive diver is going to have a fun and safe dive experience. Thanks to the amazing buddies and instructors from all over the world who have come together to help Diveheart in Cozumel Mexico this week. You can join...
  7. DiveHeart

    Comcast Newsmakers shines a light on Scuba Therapy!

    Today the Comcast Newsmakers team welcomed Diveheart Executive Director, Tinamarie Hernandez as she shared the story and benefits of scuba therapy for people with disabilities, as well as the Diveheart vision of a deep warm water pool with Comcast viewers. Stay tuned for the entire interview...
  8. DiveHeart

    Adaptive Scuba Training...Simple, but not Easy!

    Want to be part of an Adaptive Dive Team that takes people of all abilities into zero gravity to experience Freedom? It's Simple....But not Easy! Your Training Starts Here #adaptivediving #scubatherapy #rehabilitation #disabilities#freedom
  9. DiveHeart

    Can a spinal cord injury stop this young man from diving?

    A spinal cord injury can't stop Chris Block from becoming an aquanaut with Diveheart....But Chris could use your help so that can participate on a Diveheart life changing scuba adventure...Can you Help Chris?…/49646-chris-block-s-… #giving#fundraiser...
  10. DiveHeart

    Spinal Cord Injury Won't Stop This Diveheart Aquanaut!

    A Recent Spinal Cord Injury Changed His Life...But It Could Not Steal His Dreams.....Please Help Darren Escape Gravity!…/76362-darrin-malsack…#scubatherapy #sci #spinalcordinjury #rehabilitation #freedom #innerspace#aquanaut #disabilities
  11. DiveHeart

    Free Diveheart Scuba Experiences around the world..Rock the weekend!

    Free Diveheart Scuba Experience programs from Romeoville Illinois to Savanah Georgia, West Palm Beach Florida and Kuala Lumpur Malaysia kept Diveheart volunteers and participants busy this weekend. Thanks to all the supporters, participants and volunteers who change lives on a weekly basis...
  12. DiveHeart

    Adaptive Scuba Training in Georgia for Instructors grows...

    Want Adaptive Scuba Instructor Training in Georgia? Contact Diveheart Instructor Trainer Ken Meers and he can get you started . This week he trained another group of enthusiastic Dive Professionals who want to make a difference in the life of a veteran, child or adult with a...
  13. DiveHeart

    Want to Make a Difference on Your Birthday???

    Know someone having a Birthday who wants to do good? Encourage them to have a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser to benefit children, veterans and others with disabilities through the non profit 501 C 3 charity Diveheart. Here's an example of what Diveheart does to make a difference in the lives of...
  14. DiveHeart

    National Italian American Magazine Features Adaptive Diver!

    National Italian American Magazine Features Adaptive Diver Who brought Christ Statue to the U.S. #primomagazine#italianamerican #rainbowreed #christstatue #christofthedeep#christstatue #keylargochriststatue #keylargodiving #freedom#blindveterans #hinesvahospital...
  15. DiveHeart

    Want to help Revolutionize Rehabilitation through Scuba Therapy?

    Want to help Revolutionize Rehabilitation in Zero Gravity? It starts here....The fundimentals of Adaptive Scuba & Scuba Therapy.... #rehabilitation#freedom #therapy #hope #healing #scubatherapy #aquanaut#physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #innerspace...
  16. DiveHeart

    Your old Dive Gear Doesn't have to go in a landfill....

    How can you help Diveheart keep old scuba gear out of landfills? Help us through the Diveheart Scuba Art Project...If you know artists, art students or other budding artists who need materials to work with...send them our way. / 630-964-1983 #art #scubaart #recycle#repurpose...
  17. DiveHeart

    90% of success is showing up....Did you show up today?

    90% of success is showing up! After a tragic accident which left her with quadriplegia.....Amber could have retreated from life...but then she learned how to "Imagine the Possibilities" again...well done...Never Give up! #freedom #hope #healing #rehabilitation #confidence#independence...
  18. DiveHeart

    The Power of Partnership Rings True in Adaptive Scuba....

    The Power of Partnership Shines at Rainbow Reef & Diveheart .....Let's replicate this around the world! #partnership #charity #notforprofit#therapy #scubatherapy #innerspace #rainbowreef #aquatherapy About this website YOUTUBE.COM Diveheart Overview
  19. DiveHeart

    Today's Diveheart Scuba Experience Brought Smiles...

    What brings out more smiles than a Diveheart Scuba Experience? Today's DSE in Palm Beach County helped participants escape gravity once more...Well done team Diveheart! #freedom #hope #healing #disabilities#rehabilitation #scubatherapy #innerspace #aquanaut +2
  20. DiveHeart

    Want to help someone with a disability become an Adaptive Diver?

    Want to help a person with a disability take the plunge to become an Adaptive Diver and reap the many benefits of Scuba Therapy? Click here...…/49646-chris-block-s-…#disabilities #adaptivescuba #scubatherapy #givingback #fundraising#therapy #innerspace...
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