
  1. Snoweman

    Quebec & Montreal in October

    My wife and I are flying to Montreal, and then getting on a train to Quebec City for several days. We will return to Montreal for a couple of nights to catch an early flight back to ATL. Others may be joining us, but I'm not sure how many (up to six more) will join us. If it's just my wife and...
  2. T

    Oh oh... DAN in Quebec

    I received this letter from DAN, does anyone know the details about this? Is it some law in Quebec, or something that we should be trying to get changed? What are people doing about this? Dive Accident Insurance for DAN Members in Quebec Updated 1/13/2020 Since 1980, DAN has been committed to...
  3. T

    Obtaining FQAS

    Hi all, I just moved into Montreal and found out I need the FQAS to dive in Quebec. Fortunately, I could get a temporary pass for a month because of my experience, so I could go dive tomorrow, but it seems like I need to pass a test to get this more permanently. From what I understand, the...
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