prescription lens

  1. BoatingDave

    Help for older eyes needed

    So, I had resisted getting progressive glasses for awhile. Now I really need the reader part of my glasses to see small print. What do you all recommend as an insert into a mask to help read DC or gauges? I have seen things you can glue onto the mask lens. Or do I get prescription lenses...
  2. dewdropsonrosa

    Vendor recommendations for Rx masks?

    I'm planning to have my primary mask glass converted into a single-vision prescription pane. Based on experience within the last few years, can anyone positively recommend one or more of these vendors? Prescription Dive Mask Specialists | See The Sea Welcome to Prescription Dive Masks...
  3. kablooey

    Adding Magnifiers to Prescription Masks?

    I have a couple old masks with prescription lens installed. I'd like to put magnifiers in them so I can read my gauges, but I've been told that's impossible because of the curve of the prescription glass. Is it possible to stick the magnifiers to the outside of the glass? Any other solutions?
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