
  1. DiveHeart

    Diveheart partner Ocean Reef fights COVID19....Well Done!

    We are proud of Diveheart partner Ocean Reef for their creative work in fighting the pandemic. Well Done! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=877IcW8h1Rg #covid19 #pandemic #coronavirus #ppe #facemask The beaches may be closed during the pandemic, but a company in Vista has come up with an...
  2. divinh

    Snorkel Mask PPE Project

    The news is currently reporting these as "scuba equipment" being used to combat Covid-19... Pneumask by Stanford (doesn't really help that it's posted on April 1st) Ocean Reef's version COVID-19 | OCEAN REEF Group Maybe this is a better use for these types of masks? But wasn't a possible...
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