Hope you can join Diveheart's adaptive dive trip in Cozumel Dec 4-11. Sign up here liz@scubatravelventures.com
What is it like to bring Gold Star Families together underwater with veterans who have disabilities?....Find out here...
There's still time to join Diveheart in Cozumel...
Watch this young man from Shriners Hospital for Children adapt to do some pretty challenging stills. Thanks to Diveheart adaptive instructor Klaus Bell for his innovative input and support.
Attention Dive professionals...check out page 89 in this months issue of Scuba Diving magazine learn more about getting certified as a Diveheart Adaptive instructor or adaptive dive buddy. https://digital.emagazines.com/Scu.../20210824/index.html...
Behind the scenes with Diveheart at Rainbow Reef in Key Largo
Since 2001 Diveheart has been bringing adaptive divers to Cozumel Mexico to experience zero gravity and the benefits of adaptive scuba and scuba therapy. This Dec 4-11 you can join us. Just reach out to liz@scubatravelventures.com for details
Do you need a podcast???Do you need a compelling subject??? This podcast will give you an idea of how Diveheart can help!
Teaming up with fellow Rotarians, Diveheart volunteers help make quick work of setting up a Shelter Box disaster tent for display during the Rotary Zone conference this week in Houston. Tents like this are deployed around the world by Rotarians when communities are in need after a disaster hits...
Scuba Chicken joins Diveheart this week at the Rotary Zone Institute 2021 this week in Houston Texas. Rotarians from around the country will have the opportunity to learn about adaptive scuba and the benefits of scuba therapy for people of all abilities when they visit the Diveheart booth at the...
When the Scuba Guru talks....Dive Professionals listen... This episode covers the business of adaptive scuba and more!
Coming to America....the journey of the Christ Statue from Italy to Key Largo Florida...Chicago's Very Own story on WGN TV
GC says goodbye to his bruther Scuba Chicken. He is the rep for Diveheart, a nonprofit that is all about adaptive scuba diving. Jim Elliott Tinamarie Hernandez you rock. Please consider donating to this worthy cause! Diveheart.org
Thank you Sabryna Cornish...
The best beach wheelchair that we've found is at Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park in Key Largo. Easy in and out at Cannon Beach for shore dives http://pennekamppark.com...
Want to partner with Diveheart on a documentary that demonstrates how underwater everyone is equal???
info@diveheart.org or call 630-964-1983...
A new transfer chair from Diveheart was a welcome gift for the Divemasters and instructors at Diveheart Paradise in Cozumel Mexico. After initial Diveheart transfer training the Dive Paradise team practiced transferring each other on and off the boat. The transfer chair will now make it easier...
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