hydro testing

  1. Scuba-74

    Question Faber sold in Europe can't be tested in the US?

    So I recently bought 4 used Faber tanks that were manufactured in Feb 2020 (still under five years old), and by all indications were sold and used in Germany. They somehow managed to travel from Germany to, of all places, Phoenix, Arizona, and from there to Massachusetts, where I bought them...
  2. Collin O'Brien

    Advice on New vs Used Tanks

    I am looking to buy two Steel HP100 tanks but I am torn between going new or used. If I go new, I would go Faber so I think this is around $650-700. Do I have to then pay hydro and service on top of this price or are they good to go when I get new tanks? If I go used, I can probably find them...
  3. JamesBon92007

    Hydro Testing on the Island?

    Anyone know if the scuba repair place does hydro testing? Somewhere else, maybe? My anti-virus software won't let me visit their site.
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