handicapped scuba

  1. DiveHeart

    Spinal Cord Injury Can't Stop Army Vet From Scuba Adventure!

    Spinal cord injury doesn't stop Army Veteran from escaping gravity... https://www.diveheart.org/aquarium-of-pacific-dreams.../ =AZV9ca3UgFZYsZOLuv1IUXSktj7bUbxYCVM5eMT1dhlVnQdcAA_R4TdD5ApL21pxiygflvJ9o_9-unMiqdOMjAwM7hvGm-1y9gnKO8zBK_rZ-x2OAIRjf6YuPwJrtijKj0U&__tn__=*NK-R']#army...
  2. DiveHeart

    Helping them stand for the first time is a thrill for me!

    "The biggest thrill for me is to get someone out of their wheelchair standing up independently underwater for the first time since their injury. Or sometimes for the first time in their lives. The smiles on their faces are priceless "....Diveheart founder & president Jim Elliott...
  3. DiveHeart

    Left an amputee after failed suicide, vet takes up adaptive scuba

    Failed Suicide left vet an amputee...Then came Scuba Therapy https://www.diveheart.org/the-power-of-scuba-diving-for.../ =AZWiqJ-my7dzaXMAoonnIKp-EweuIDVwY8Fyq8V00Gdi1nJFwgvvvpNvLtXwQ_9eTSHpGSgk0W0WRdCwJO6U48Trd08a2vd8SZQ_1dLDXZ5RIQogxLdOH4jXZR5iBgqb1Wg&__tn__=*NK-R']#amputee...
  4. DiveHeart

    Diving in 2020....Anything can happen.....

    Disabilities don't discriminate .....Neither does Diveheart!...Imagine the Possibilities =AZWknEpLjWpbMTY1vMbCp1-SWiggk5ngORiiP-hBnMjhe379ElGBY5uMo57osbx7j7vd7m8MiT4RJ_0XFWXzaBoFzGtq8srOi88M3F8Bq3-5l7BHFJpSPTYCCW9wggPnFBkB58BI6JbzN-jYkEA8YGL5&__tn__=*NK-R']#zombies...
  5. DiveHeart

    She said, "we cried after learning of your story on Turning Point"!

    She called me in the morning and said that she and her husband cried last night after watching the Turning Point documentary about Diveheart. She said, "where can we send a check". That was five years ago and every year her family has supported Diveheart's work with veterans with disabilities...
  6. DiveHeart

    How has Adaptive Skiing influenced Adaptive Scuba?

    How has Adaptive Skiing Influenced Adaptive Scuba??? https://www.diveheart.org/diving-therapy-tedx-jim.../ =AZWgnvnG5APYB6VGQYW_RCBg--S-2dzVnK2i2q2X3eXGC8hjRFnAE4CkivY9p8v8lOss9tHpAyHG0sAQBzAIEoQaGZMzg9JP1pfahz3Cs5gsD7ENBSd9spOvXgskUFZlyhc&__tn__=*NK-R']#blind...
  7. DiveHeart

    Your Donated Vehicle Can Fuel Adaptive Scuba Programs!

    =AZU94_udjhypMXfwYodOUeWKtTS1LSNZ9lhX9_x4IZd_6dz2EeUcvyTESOJMeOHpoGGmK-Dsk4B-EmAyDViEDnTRyKR8c-JrEdxxboswBD1r0-nljGm0w6-VZZOQUL6Lyo0&__tn__=EH-R'] =AZU94_udjhypMXfwYodOUeWKtTS1LSNZ9lhX9_x4IZd_6dz2EeUcvyTESOJMeOHpoGGmK-Dsk4B-EmAyDViEDnTRyKR8c-JrEdxxboswBD1r0-nljGm0w6-VZZOQUL6Lyo0&__tn__=EH-R']...
  8. DiveHeart

    It's All About Adapting.....Right???

    It's All About ADAPTING... Conner has Cerebral Palsy from Birth. Here Diveheart Training Coordinator Rachel Crane takes him on a dive in Key Largo Florida with Rainbow Reef. At Diveheart we Don't see Disabilities...We see a persons Abilities...and we work with those abilities to give that person...
  9. DiveHeart

    Next Stop? ......

  10. DiveHeart

    What do Medical Professionals Say About Scuba Therapy?

    What do medical professionals say about the benefits of Scuba Therapy? Here is over a decade of answers. Hope you'll share with therapist & those in the medical community that you know...
  11. DiveHeart

    How is Diveheart changing lives in Malaysia & Borneo?

    Diveheart Malaysia 2020/2019 program with University Malaya Medical center UMMC Rehabilitation Medicine Divers Team and University Malaysia Terengganu UMT Diveheart Team. A special Video Edited by our talented Dr. Yew, Rehab Specialist at University Malaya Medical center UMMC Rehabilitation...
  12. DiveHeart

    Stories of Hope and Healing to Share with Others!

    Know someone who could use a good story of Hope and Healing? Here are a few that might raise their spirts. These stories are worth sharing. https://www.diveheart.org/.../Diveheart-Media-Kit-June...
  13. DiveHeart

    Full Face Masks Provide The Freedom To Dive For Many With Disabilities.

    Do your adaptive divers use a full face mask? Diveheart adaptive training requires all buddies, advanced buddies and adaptive instructors to be familiar with how to use, and with all the components of a full face mask before they work with an adaptive diver that requires one. Find out more about...
  14. DiveHeart

    Born with no arms, she performs a perfect fin pivot!

    Born without arms Jessica Cox demonstrates how to do a perfect fin pivot during her Openwater scuba class with...
  15. DiveHeart

    Years of experience in Scuba Therapy & adaptive scuba have paid off

    Years of experience growing Scuba Therapy and adaptive scuba training has helped make Diveheart the organization that it is today. https://www.diveheart.org/diveheart-dive-therapy-out.../...
  16. DiveHeart

    How can commercial Diving be an opportunity for those with disabilities?

    Can individuals with disabilities participate in commercial diving activities? Let's find out... https://www.diveheart.org/malaysia-morning-tv-diveheart/...
  17. DiveHeart

    Love, Value, Purpose...The Spirit Behind Adaptive Diving...

    We train hard to help others. Your friendship and support helps the Diveheart magic continue as we help children, veterans and others with disabilities...Imagine the Possibilities in their lives. Thank You...
  18. DiveHeart

    How can the power of the pool advance scuba therapy?

    How can the power of the pool advance scuba therapy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOglt88wkSg =AZXaS7iCQyPv2NvkEuaplnHHhl7xCadBuECwnYJiMMKTnmhPLoJ1tYc_TrWhQGGMC92VfSDjZP2mSozO9MCSMu3QYLdgHifHjNyLiSVWrkQ0Xg&__tn__=*NK-R']#deeppool...
  19. DiveHeart

    Growing Scuba Therapy Since 2001 Is Just One of Diveheart's Goals!

    Continuing to grow Scuba Therapy Research is just one of Diveheart's goals...Since 2001...Imagine the Possibilities! =AZW3utw8_Qpt8j54LIcWBBt7v-RG1OcsHLCeSJbe1WANnc5qiTxLoP42Wrb9Ns-qbcVENc0QqnHcKORA0U4mCL8X3eOpKiFgCvbD8dTd-JwYLw&__tn__=*NK-R']#research...
  20. DiveHeart

    Thi Weekend's Garage Sale Supports Adaptive Scuba Programs!

    This Weekend's Diveheart Garage Sale Fundraiser at 2402 Souix Ave in Woodridge Illinois from 9am till 3pm Sat & Sun, will help fund FREE Diveheart pool programs that serve children, veterans and adults with disabilities. Hope you will tell others who can come and make donations that will keep...
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