galapagos liveaboard

  1. L

    Galapagos! Discounted Space For One Or Two Divers - 30th May 2016

    Hi there, Due to devastating unforeseen visa restrictions, I'm unable to go on my scuba honeymoon on the Humboldt Explorer in the Galapagos Islands. I'm applying for a green card so I can't leave the US until it's processed, if I do then I risk being banished from the US for 10 years which...
  2. nudisusie

    Galapagos Master Feb 2016 Review

    We took a 10-night trip booked through Master Liveaboards on the newly fitted Deep Blue known as Galapagos Master. We were a group of divers who all knew each other from past trips on Siren Fleet yachts. The Diving Prior to the trip we were all a little concerned regarding the effects of El...
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