flip filter

  1. Collin O'Brien

    BONAIRE Expedition Video (4K)

    If you've been to Bonaire, are thinking about going to Bonaire or are just curious what you can experience in Bonaire, check out this video. 10 days of non-stop diving with 10 strangers from around the world that have become true friends. Can't wait to do it again! Best watched in 4K
  2. M

    For Sale Backscatter Flip5 Pro Gorpo Hero Filters

    Backscatter FLIP5 Pro Package for GoPro 5 - 8 (I believe it work for newer gopro housing, not 100% sure) Filter/lense SHALLOW filter DIVE filters +15 MACROMATE MINI Lens Asking price $130
  3. JamesBon92007

    Backscatter Flip Filter Dimensions?

    Can someone who has a Backscatter Flip Filter please give me the dimensions of the frame that fits onto the camera? I realize they have them for different models of GoPro so I'm most interested in one that would fit a housing that measures about 39 mm X 39 mm. If it's a little wider it should...
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