I had a Leo Wi for my Canon R.
I upgraded to the new Leo R.
It's big but it makes it possible to upgrade my Canons without having to buy a new housing.
I like Easydive's quality and service.
For sale:
Esaydive (easydive.it) aluminum underwater housing Leo3 Wi. The housing works with a patended USB or WLan control system and can be used with varius cameras. A list is available on the manufacturers website. The offered housing is programmed for GH5 s/GH5. A GH5 body is also...
I've been like a bookworm with the specs of each of these 2 camera housings... Im 99% sure I'm going to buy one or the other but feel like i need to hear some 'real world' pros and cons from people that have actually used one or the other.
Smartphone <<< Link to both here
Up until last week i...
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