diving south east asia

  1. A

    South East Asia diving in July

    Hi everyone, I'm planning on a trip in South East Asia in July where I would go diving but don't really know where to go (mostly because of the rainy season). I've been to Bali last summer - which was great - so I was thinking about going somewhere else. I was thinking about the Philippines...
  2. jkarsan

    OWSI Volunteer Opportunities

    Hey all, I’ve managed to get 3 months off work between Dec — March and would like to donate some time to doing some marine conservation work, ideally something pretty informal, perhaps some sea grass / coral restoration, preferably somewhere warm (SEA / Indian Ocean) with access to good diving...
  3. Jaii Fredregill

    Angaga Island Maldives - Trip Report

    I have seen a few requests for information on Angaga Island in the Maldives posted to forums lately, so I thought I would share the report from a trip I took there not long ago. I hope you find it helpful My Mola: Going Angaga: Scuba Diving in the Maldives Crab_1200 by Jaii Fredregill posted...
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