dive paradise

  1. DiveHeart

    Let the Current Help You Fly...Regardless of Your Abilities!

    Another successful Diveheart Life Changing Scuba Adventure trip to Cozumel Mexico has just ended, but divers of all abilities will have more chances this year to join Diveheart in Cozumel. August 10-17 and December 7-14 are both excellent opportunities to join Diveheart for Adaptive buddy &...
  2. DiveHeart

    International Adaptive Scuba Symposium Tomorrow In Cozumel

    It's Finally Here! Tomorrow May 10th in the Hotel Cozumel conference center from 9am to 2pm, is the 10th International Adaptive Scuba Symposium. You can register for the free event here http://www.diveheart.org/symposium-2019/ hope to see you there... #adaptivescuba #scubatherapy #dukeuniversity...
  3. DiveHeart

    Great Partnerships...Hard to Find...But Worth the Effort!

    The Power of Partnership shines this week in Cozumel Mexico where Dive Paradise & Diveheart work to grow Adaptive Scuba. Just like our friend the Splendid Toad Fish is hard to find but worth the effort, so to is finding the right partners around the world to help share the benefits of Adaptive...
  4. DiveHeart

    Dive shows, Adaptive Scuba Training, Trips & More with Diveheart!

    As Diveheart shares the benefits of scuba therapy this weekend at dive shows in Malaysia and Long Beach California, Scuba Instructors in Cozumel are currently training with Diveheart so that they can better serve adaptive divers when they come to the island. Tomorrow a new group of adaptive...
  5. DiveHeart

    Dive Paradise launches new Adaptive Training Program

    A new Crop of Diveheart Instructors & Divemaster at Dive Paradise in Cozumel (#1 dive operator in Cozumel Mexico ) prepare to run the Gauntlet. Find out more about the most innovative and through adaptive scuba training in the world at training@diveheart.org #adaptivescuba#scubatherapy...
  6. DiveHeart

    Cozumel promotes upcoming Adaptive Scuba Symposium May 10th

    What's the buzz on Cozumel??? http://www.cozumel4you.com/…/diveheart-adaptive-scuba-cozu…/ #scubatherapy #rehabilitation#disabilities #adaptivescuba #scubasymposium COZUMEL4YOU.COM Diveheart Adaptive Scuba Cozumel - Cozumel 4 You Diveheart’s 10th Annual Adaptive Scuba Symposium May 10th in...
  7. DiveHeart

    Calling all Adaptive Buddies and Instructors....We Need You for this Trip.

  8. DiveHeart

    May 10th Adaptive Scuba Symposium in Cozumel will be a game changer

    10th Annual International Adaptive Scuba Symposium in Cozumel Mexico May 10, 2019. Save the Date! Research Presentations from Duke, Northwestern & Midwestern Universities. Join Diveheart that week 5/4-11 at Hotel Cozumel and Dive Paradise. Reservations for trip at paul@scubatravelventures.com...
  9. DiveHeart

    Polar Vortex Traps Diveheart In 50 Degree Below Zero Wind Chill..But

    Trapped in 50 degree below zero wind chill, Diveheart is calling Captain Cozumel to help battle the Polar Vortex! Captain Cozumel says: "Think Warm and save yourself... book your 2019 Diveheart Life Changing Scuba Adventure Trip to Cozumel NOW and warm your Heart." Contact...
  10. DiveHeart

    Bad weather can't stop the Diveheart team in Cozumel this week...

    The que to the boat at the marina was long, but the Diveheart Adaptive Divers where patient as they boarded knowing that rough weather at the hotel Cozumel pier couldn't stop them from their Diveheart scuba adventure this week. Find out how you can join Diveheart a Diveheart scuba adventure in...
  11. DiveHeart

    Channel 10 features Diveheart tonight in Cozumel...

    Tonight December 10th at 7pm central time Channel 10 Cozumel features Diveheart adaptive scuba training at Hotel Cozumel. Check out the story on Channel 10's facebook page below.... Hope you can join Diveheart in Cozumel in 2019... "Imagine the Possibilities"...
  12. DiveHeart

    Diveheart team descends upon Cozumel for the last time in 2018!

    Cozumel here we come! Forty-two Diveheart Adaptive divers, buddies, instructors and family from around the world will descend upon Cozumel Mexico today. Diveheart instructors & instructor trainers will grow the ranks of Diveheart adaptive buddies and advanced buddies this week while they help...
  13. DiveHeart

    Are you at DEMA in Vegas? Why not learn more about Adaptive Diving?

    If so, don't forget forget to stop by the Diveheart booth #658 to find out more about adaptive scuba therapy programs around the world. Today was another huge success. Thanks to all our partners on the DEMA floor and don't forget to enter the Diveheart partnership treasure hunt contest that...
  14. DiveHeart

    "Diveheart partnership" is the theme at this year's DEMA show in Vegas

    This week, DEMA, the largest international professional scuba show in the world will take place in Los Vegas. Diveheart will be there to share the story of Scuba Therapy with professionals in the dive industry. This year's Diveheart Theme will be Partnership. Dive Paradise and Hotel Cozumel are...
  15. DiveHeart

    Adventure awaits for you in Cozumel with Diveheart Dec 8-15

    Hope you can join Diveheart in Cozumel this December 8-15 for adaptive training, friendship and fun with Diveheart adaptive divers, volunteers and friends. To sign up contact mike@scubatravelventures and for training go to training@diveheart.org if you can't go maybe you can help sponsor an...
  16. DiveHeart

    Divers of All Abilities Welcome to Join Diveheart in Cozumel Dec 8-15

    Divers of all abilities are invited to join Diveheart in Cozumel Mexico December 8-15 There is still time to sign up. Just contact mike@scubatravelventures.com for more information on the trip. If you want to sign up for Diveheart's Adaptive instructor or Dive Buddy "Total Immersion" training...
  17. DiveHeart

    What Happened at Beneath The Sea Dive Show Tonight...That Rocked?

    How could the first night at the Beneath the Sea dive show in NJ have been better??? I'm not sure! My Mother who just finished Chemo and Radiation to battle her lung cancer helped me staff the booth, and our friends at Womens Diver Hall of Fame honored our dear mutual friend who recently passed...

    Packing, Travel, Resort Info, and Diving Tips for the SB Invasion 2018 to Cozumel

    Packing, Travel, Resort Info, and Diving Tips for the ScubaBoard Invasion 2018 to Cozumel Well, we are getting closer SB Invasion 2018 to Cozumel!!!!! I thought we could touch base on some of the great ideas and info that everyone has on preparing, packing, travel, the resort and dive related...
  19. DiveHeart

    Apple....We Will MISS YOU....:(

    She had a Splendid HEART.. We will miss you APPLE...The Owner of Dive Paradise in cozumel Mexico just passed away yesterday, but the loss will be felt by many for a long time. Apple your kindness and generosity to Diveheart has helped many people around the world of all abilities to "Imagine the...

    ScubaBoard Invasion 2018 in Cozumel!

    Yes it's true, the Diving Social Event of the Year will be returning to Cozumel in 2018! :wavesmiley: Join ScubaBoard.com and mascot Moonie for it's annual Birthday Bash, Hosted by Hotel Cozumel and Dive Paradise. Enjoy a week of of fantastic diving, camaraderie and fun ScubaBoard style...
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