dive masks

  1. DiveHeart

    Don't throw out that prescription mask...Diveheart can use it!

    The "I Can See Clearly Now" Diveheart Initiative encourages divers to donate their old prescription masks so that Diveheart can use them for our Adaptive Divers with visual impairments that can be corrected with proscription lenses. Just like Lions Clubs around the world collect glasses...
  2. Bookmon

    Dive Masks Culture Shock

    Due to recent increase of prism, it is time to update my bonded prescription, High Volume, light color silicone dive mask with purge that I've been using since the late 90s.(actually, I've had the mask since the early 80s) What a shocker while looking around online. Seems the only mask even...
  3. kablooey

    Single Lens vs Dual Lens Masks?

    Any advantages or disadvantages between single lens and dual lens dive marks?
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