dive buddies bonaire

  1. A

    Question Dive Buddy for January Bonaire Trip

    Hi everyone, Happy New Year! I'll be in Bonaire from January 26th to 29th and am looking for a dive buddy who is CCR certified. I'm planning to do two 2.5-hour dives each day and will be diving with the DiveTalk GO rebreather. Diving either with either Area9 or Toucan diving. If you're...
  2. Dan V

    Question 1st Time to Bonaire / Theft from vehicles while shore diving / Dive Buddies

    I've been doing some preplanning for my upcoming to Bonaire and have been reading all over the internet that theft from vehicles, while people are diving, is a possibility. I've been to quite a few places diving and I remember this being a big thing at Puerto Rican beaches. I've been down...
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