cage diving

  1. Down2bizDiver

    Great White Shark Gets Into Dive Cage With 4 Divers! Guadalupe

    I'm posting this video again. I thought I had posted it a couple of months ago, but I didn't notice the error message "There has been some problem publishing your share." A Great White Shark got into the stern cage! There were four people in the cage at the time.
  2. Power Scuba

    No-Profit Great White Cage Diving Trip to Guadalupe! Oct 21

    Click here to sign up for this no-profit trip: GWS Event Page SAFE, EASY, AND HELLA FUN! YOU'VE HEARD ABOUT IT, you've seen the pictures, and you've reveled at the stories. Here's your chance to OWN it in 2016! WHAT: GWS Cage Diving and Adrenaline Rush (limited load) WHEN: Oct 21...
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