blue grotto jacksonville devil's den

  1. Blue Grotto Cavern

    Blue Grotto Cavern

    One of my 5 dives to get Advanced Open Water certified. It was an experience and I was definitely a bit nervous at first going into the dark cavern at around 95 feet deep but I got over it quickly and I'd definitely do it again.
  2. CedricH

    Looking for a dive buddy to enjoy Devil's Den or Blue Grotto

    Hello there ! I'm on family holidays here and I'd love to discover the Devil's Den or Blue Grotto. I checked the websites and they insist on no diving without a dive buddy - and I'm a solo diver. Is it just about not diving absolutely alone or about not showing up alone? (Where do anyone dive...
  3. Mike M.

    New to NE Florida and looking for a dive bud

    Hey everybody, I'm looking to find somebody to dive nitrox with me at either Devil's Den or Blue Grotto this week or next. I'm new to the area and haven't met anybody that dives yet, so I'm hoping you all might be itching for a spring dive like I am!
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