aqualung i450t

  1. W

    For Sale AquaLung i450t Computer. (Updated- transmitter sold)

    Selling my lightly used Aquland i450t dive computer. Computer has been used on saltwater diving, rinsed and cleaned after all dives. Computer works and looks great. It’s an extra and as my eyes get older, I use my larger computers as my primary. Retails new for $750, selling the computer for...
  2. W

    Closed Aqualung i450t (with transmitter)

    Selling a lightly used Aqualand i450t with a more generously used transmitter. Transmitter is paired to computer and has no corrosion in battery compartment. Comes with 3 extra batteries. Works great, just cannot see with my bad eyes and going with my Petral now. $600 + shipping
  3. B

    Aqualung I450T vs. Mares Matrix

    Hi all, Another computer thread because I could not find all the information in previous threads... I am looking to replace my wife's Suunto Gekko because its pressure sensor developed a vivid imagination - after just 30 dives... My other computer is a 17 year old Vyper. But after the Gekko...
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