
  1. tendi

    Desperately need an easy trip - hopefully w/out sand fleas

    My trip to Bonaire canceled. I'm looking for somewhere to go in June. Mexico is out. Belize looks easy-ish now that they are accepting vaccine proof for entry. I'm looking for good diving, beachfront, easy to find food and no sand fleas. Is that Ambergris? I really really hate sand fleas and...
  2. Joe Cross

    Gold On The Beach

    By Joe Cross, Big Blue Scuba School, Cheshire Just another dog walk on the beach in Anglesey brought one eagle eyed man from Macclesfield, Cheshire man a very nice surprise, £11,000 for a piece of Ambergris. So what it it? Ambergris is a substance used for centuries by the perfume industry to...
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