2 year old diving ?

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Saw a video online of a 2 year old being taken to bottom of a pool then back up. Pool looked to be 8 to 10 foot deep. The comments on the video of course were all over the place. Tried Google to see what depth would be an issue for a kid that young but there really wasn't any info. The two things I was thinking is the kid didn't know how to equalize that would be a problem. And second probably increasing risk for ear infections. Thoughts?
Saw a video online of a 2 year old being taken to bottom of a pool then back up. Pool looked to be 8 to 10 foot deep. The comments on the video of course were all over the place. Tried Google to see what depth would be an issue for a kid that young but there really wasn't any info. The two things I was thinking is the kid didn't know how to equalize that would be a problem. And second probably increasing risk for ear infections. Thoughts?
embolism is a very real risk
aspiration/spitting out the reg
people are idiotic but this is a "report to child protective services" level of idiotic
Yeah, that'd be a no. I have an almost 1 year old. No freaking way would I ever consider putting her on scuba until she's physically and mentally mature enough. 10 is the earliest. Yes, I know some people have taught their kids to scuba dive earlier, but doing so is not without risk.

My understanding (and I'm not a doctor, just had a conversation about this with a doctor) is that air has a more difficult time escaping from an undeveloped child as compared to an adult. IIRC, this has to do with smaller alveoli sacs primarily. Any doctors or authoritative experts, please correct me. Fundamentally, I walked away from that conversation with "yeah, not going to try to teach my daughter to dive early".
Yeah, sure, why don't you let the kid drive you car while you're at it :rolleyes:

Seriously though, 2 is way too young. My 4-year-old niece cannot be trusted with scissors, whose dangerous parts are easily apparent. She won't be ready to dive for some years to come.
Yeah, sure, why don't you let the kid drive you car while you're at it :rolleyes:

I was thinking teaching them to weld and leave them unsupervised. What could go wrong?
I'm sorry , I should've been more clear! The 2 year old wasn't on a tank. Just freedive. The dad took him down like 8 or 10 feet and took him up. U guys think there's any risk to that?

Teaching scuba to 10 year old kids scares me. I haven't done it nor would I ever consider it. This is off topic a little but interestingly very young kids, 6 months to 1 year old, have an inherent ability to hold their breath when submerged underwater. My wife and I took both our sons to a class to instill in them some comfort in the water. The class was designed to get the kids comfortable in and around the water. After a few sessions getting them comfortable in the water we would dunk them underwater briefly. The kids instinctively held their breath. This sounds unbelievable but it works. Later, when they were 3 or 4 years old they were taught to dog paddle to the side of the pool, an important skill should they ever fall into a pool.

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