PHOENIX REGULATOR is no longer on the market

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Reaction score
Western NY
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Thu Oct 28, 2021 6:39 am
A while ago I was asked by a forum member at VDH if I had a Phoenix Regulator that I would be willing to sell. Apparently an "interested" person used his and was thinking of getting one. Well as everybody knows, the Phoenix is currently not available from the VDH store and seeing as how I had two, I did offer this one to the "interested" person. After negotiating on price, I compromised toward his offer, the "interested" person backed off. Ok, no big deal, as a person who sells various items of vintage style via you get lots of "tire kickers". Anyway, now that I had decided to let this one go, I will now offer it to those who visit this forum.

This Phoenix is the second model produced. It has a shorter body than the original Phoenix model. It is housed in an early 1960s Aqua -Master can with satin chrome. It has all the possible updated parts, i.e., HPR second stage, Duckbill eliminator, Hookah port adapter for LP hose options, All silicone where possible, hoses, mouthpiece, low pressure diaphragm, mouthpiece mushroom valves. The Phoenix body was installed by Bryan at VDH. The Label is a reproduction by A & D Adventures, LLC. It even has a "Beauty" ring on the exterior of the first stage, a PVC ring that covers part of the body for appearance only.

Now, for the price. I WILL NOT give it away. I don't need to sell it, and as such, seeing as how they are as scarce as Hen's Teeth, I only want to get what I have invested in it. Go to the VDH store and add up the prices of the pieces to convert this nice satin chrome DAAM to a Phoenix. Might consider installation price also. I will not advertise the price here, I know I am a PIA, I would rather discuss the reg with potential purchaser directly. Use the PM or email me at my business,



I have the same in shiny chrome and it is a thing of beauty and a joy to dive.
If you have been looking for a modernized double hose regulator with multiple high and low pressure ports you should take a serious look at this offer. The quality of the design and fabrication of the Phoenix and HPR modules is first class. Breathing characteristics closely comparable to the Kraken. I've had both and still have the Phoenix. I'll be breathing mine in Roatan next week.
There doesn't seem to be any interest in this Phoenix so before I withdraw it from being for sale, I will entertain offers for it. At least we can have a conversation about this nice (and apparently rare) "modern" double hose regulator.
Why the slice of conduit please Mr simonbeans
The first thing I thought of in photo 2 was " why the piece of plastic pipe ?" B1 .

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