Two sets of new regulators in my gear bag

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I'm really not a fan of rental gear. Of course I realize it makes more financial sense for someone like me who will likely only go on one or two trips a year, but I can't help the way I feel. I have a perfectly fine Dacor, but it's been 12+ years since it's been serviced (and no more parts from the manufacturer are available); so that makes me nervous too. And so, I started shopping for regulators...what a confusing array of selections for the uninitiated! After several weeks of research, it appeared I was going to have to live with rental gear. Putting a little math to it and negating the initial purchase cost, for the 10-15 days of diving I expect in the next few years, I would never get ahead. Rental regulators are roughly $10/boat trip, which equates to ~$150 a year. That's about the same cost as keeping most regulators serviced.

But I kept seeing Deep 6 recommendations on this board/forum, with a new market approach. I'll never hit the 200 dive mark in the next two years, and the first service is free. It will be 4 years before I will have to pay for service! And when I do pay, it's for the labor only, as Deep 6 provides the service kits. Now I may never have a positive return on my investment, but that's a heck of a lot better than the standard marketing approach of local shops and manufacturers who require the service regimen to maintain your warranty. For me, it was a "no-brainer".

I happen to live in Georgia, so I decided to give them a call. Chris answered my first call and we set up a time for me to drop by the next week when I was traveling near Forsyth. What a good guy! We spent about an hour getting regulator packages together for my son and me. Deep 6's prices are extremely fair and I feel like I have a friend in the industry. If I could buy stock, I would. I wish Deep 6 the best and look forward to watching them grow.

If I could buy stock, I would. I wish Deep 6 the best and look forward to watching them grow.


Gongrats! ..but what's this about not being "stock"? It's not like you bought $400 worth of sam's choice cola. :wink:

I see this as an innovation in marketing and supply chain that is a potential game changer for scuba equipment.

I suspect your gonna be really happy with them!
I read that as, if I could buy stock (in the company, i.e. Invest) I would...

Your probably right on that.. my thoughts went a different direction. On another recent post, sobody mentioned a preference for "named brand" regs. opposed to...??

So.. let's wait for the Deep6 IPO.
Your probably right on that.. my thoughts went a different direction. On another recent post, sobody mentioned a preference for "named brand" regs. opposed to...??

So.. let's wait for the Deep6 IPO.

Hey, I'm all about getting in on the IPO!
FWIW, I am a big fan of owning my own gear. Most years I do not dive enough for it to really be the financially optimum decision for me, but from a peace of mind point of view, I know what my gear has been exposed to. I know how it has been treated. I know how it has been maintained. I don't have to worry about putting a reg that has been, well who knows where, into my mouth and hoping I don't get cold sores or worse.

It may not be financially the best option, but, for me, owning my own gear is the logical option.

Congrats on your purchase.
We need pics of your new gear! Or at least I do. Right on the verge of placing an order and need something to push me over. :)
Well, since you asked....:wink:

My regulator:


I don't have an octopus as I have the air2 on my BC. Dry bag and flashlight in background.

Closer up:


My son's gear:


Service Kits:



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Just to save a search, how much was it for both?

The regulator kits were just over a $1000. The consoles each have 3 gages. It's hard to say exactly the $ since there were 3 lights, a dry bag, some extra mouthpieces a couple of shirts a coffee mug and a partridge in a pear tree in my goodie bag when I finally left.
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