Was interested in pursing cavern and intro to cave this winter down in Florida and was wondering if anyone had a recommendation for an instructor, preferably one that will allow you to take the course in back mount. I have a couple of friends who have done intro to cave in the last year but their instructors required side mount. Although I'm not opposed to learning side mount in the future, I don't plan in the near future to dive in caves that would actually require side mount to get through. I'd rather train with what I'm already very comfortable performing overhead/penetration diving in and extend my skills to cave diving before tackling side mount later on. I also just don't feel like investing the time/money into side mount right now either

Now if this turns into the "help me find an octo holder" thread and 100 people tell me you just can't dive back mount in caves anymore, I'll learn side mount if I really have to, but I'd prefer to do my initial training in back mount if anyone knows a quality instructor who will allow this.

Now if this turns into the "help me find an octo holder" thread and 100 people tell me you just can't dive back mount in caves anymore, I'll learn side mount if I really have to, but I'd prefer to do my initial training in back mount if anyone knows a quality instructor who will allow this.